What’s a fancy word for creative? In this page you can discover 35 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for creative, like: inventive, artistic, original, innovative, omnific, imaginative, clever, productive, ingenious, innovatory and demiurgic.

What is the synonym of artistic? In this page you can discover 66 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for artistic, like: creative, , inept, expressive, aesthetic, style, artistry, decorative, theatrical, tasteful and pictorial.

How do you say beautiful in art? 

  1. artful.
  2. artistic.
  3. creative.
  4. esthetic.
  5. gorgeous.
  6. inventive.

What is a great artist called? In this page you can discover 79 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for artist, like: artiste, virtuoso, artisan, maestro, commercial artist, geisha, miniaturist, illustrator, composer, sculptor and calligrapher.

What’s a fancy word for creative? – Additional Questions

What is the synonym and antonym of artistic?

adjective. ( ɑːrˈtɪstɪk) Satisfying aesthetic standards and sensibilities. Antonyms. inaesthetic inelegant pretentious unaesthetic unartistic. aesthetic aesthetical esthetical.

What does artistic mean?

adjective. Someone who is artistic is good at drawing or painting, or arranging things in a beautiful way. They encourage boys to be sensitive and artistic. Synonyms: creative, cultured, original, sensitive More Synonyms of artistic.

Are synonyms and antonyms?

Synonyms are words that have the same, or almost the same, meaning as another word. Antonyms are words that have the opposite meaning of another word. Choosing the right synonym refines your writing. Learning common antonyms sharpens your sense of language and expands your vocabulary.

What is another name for artistic ability?

What is another word for artistic ability?
skill finesse
flair artistry
craftsmanship dexterity
proficiency touch
class competence

Is creativity a talent or skill?

Lynda Weinman, founder of Lynda.com: Creativity is a soft skill. Other soft skills include critical thinking, collaboration, and negotiation. It is a skill because it can be learned. It can also be sucked dry out of people when there is too much emphasis on rote learning and standardization.

How do you describe an artsy person?

The definition of artsy is someone who is very involved in, and enthusiastic about, artistic endeavors, though it may also describe someone who is pretentious about their enthusiasm for the arts. An example of someone who is artsy is someone who shows constant interest in his sculpting and painting.

What do you call a talented artist?

virtuoso Add to list Share. A virtuoso is an incredibly talented musician. You can also be a virtuoso in non-musical fields.

What do you call a art person?

artist. / (ˈɑːtɪst) / noun. a person who practises or is skilled in an art, esp painting, drawing, or sculpture.

What is a master artist called?

A maestro is an artistic master: someone who is skilled enough to be considered an artistic genius.

What is a gifted artist?

Gifted art (or free art) is any form or piece of art that is given freely, whether to a city, a group of people, a community or an individual. It refers to any art that is distributed at no direct cost.

What is visual talent?

of visual talent requires exercises in different modes of the two-dimensiona. representation of space. Talent in drawing in perspective was considered. the synonym for visual talent. An emerging new artistic language of the.

Are artistic people gifted?

Not necessarily, but various studies show that this is usually the case for gifted people. Creativity is often mentioned as a characteristic of giftedness, but it’s not so much about being artistic, but more about the ability to come up with original solutions.

Is artistic talent inherited?

Your artistic skills might be as heritable as your eye color

Based on all available information, it is very likely that the capacity for creativity is shaped by genetic influences –– it’s a complicated way of saying that creativity and artistic interests can almost certainly be inherited.”

Is everyone born creative?

Many people debate over if creativity is inherited or learned, but it’s actually both. Creativity is “technically” inherited, but by everyone. It’s more of a common human trait than a gift.

Is every person creative?

Everyone can be creative, where they realize it or not. A lot of people tend to think creativity is binary: Either you have it, or you don’t. But in reality, we do all have it. It’s just a matter of how we interpret it.

Is creativity a trait?

Creativity is often defined as the ability to come up with new and useful ideas. Like intelligence, it can be considered a trait that everyone – not just creative “geniuses” like Picasso and Steve Jobs – possesses in some capacity. It’s not just your ability to draw a picture or design a product.

What is creativity simple words?

Creativity is defined as the tendency to generate or recognize ideas, alternatives, or possibilities that may be useful in solving problems, communicating with others, and entertaining ourselves and others.